I-Phone Woes, Do you have a Bad Apple?

So do you have an I-phone? Is the battery draining faster? Does it sometimes seem to act up? #MyAppleIsGoingBad

My guess is that, you either updated the operating system recently or have been getting lots of reminders to do just that because you don’t have the latest and greatest version.

You don’t need a background in technology like I have, to notice the pattern that has developed over the past several years when it comes to I-phones.  Whenever a new I-phone is coming out the new iOS that comes along with it (and ones leading up to it) seem to be built to force you into upgrading your phone, even if you have not even had the phone a year.

And when you upgrade the iOS, the battery issues and other problems continue.

This is just wrong!

If you are one of the “keeping up with the Joneses” or “always need the latest technology” type of people, and want a new phone that’s one thing.  But if you are not, you shouldn’t be forced into it.  With all the advances in technology, you should be able to expect any type of device to be able to last for at least a few years.

If the I-phones were inexpensive, it would be another story, but they are not.

It seems the Apple Company has changed especially in the last few years.  I started to notice a shift after Steve Jobs passed.  This shift seems to be leaning on the side of not looking out for the customers and focusing towards how much more money they can get from customers.   Where is the kindness for its customers?

We all need to let them know they need to do better and be better.  #NoMoreBadApples

There is a large group of faithful I-phone followers but everyone has their limits. We need to see changes for the better. I’d rather have a phone I can keep for a few years than have a better camera, slimmer phone or whatever that the new phones offer.  Stop forcing upgrades, draining our batteries and causing problems that force us to get a new phone.  With the continued aggravation and expense, the next new phone we get, just may not be an I-phone.

I was glad to see people in the spot light mentioning what is happening with the I-phones.  The week I was thinking and starting to write about this issue is when I saw Megyn Kelly and Hoda Kotb bring it up on the TODAY show and I was “Yes, people need to say something”.  Hopefully it will get more people talking.  If we all speak up, we can force a change.

We deserve better!

I want to see more kindness from Apple for its customers.  In today’s world there is so much everyone is dealing with and we are all in need of more kindness. Kindness on all levels is needed including from big corporations. #Kindahhsity

Iphone Woes